

Real-time portfolio analytics and reporting framework

The Speedy system for bound portfolios

From creating, reconciling, and managing portfolios to performing all kinds of analyses and reporting tasks, TrueFolio is the fastest and most holistic framework in existence. Always keeps your portfolios up to date and shows the current picture of your book in real-time so you can make the best-informed decisions.

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Roll-ups now happen in minutes instead of days

Bound books, especially larger ones can be complicated to manage and may take up to several days to roll-up. However, with Q-flow, you can drastically cut down the time, effort and costs while upgrading to a more modern process.


Scalable and future proof

TrueFolio is carefully developed considering the ever-evolving nature of the industry and the shifting technology paradigm. Whether it is the changing size of your bound book, new reporting requirements, modifying a component or integration with a new system, TrueFolio is completely open to changes.

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